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Words at First Light Complete Set


All past and future editions of Words at First Light


Monthly Dispatch

Each month from now until February 2021 you will be mailed a dispatch with includes:

  • A short devotion or essay that offers hope, encouragement, and wisdom for the month ahead
  • A poem blessing to inspire you
  • A 5×7 inch print of a painting that reflects the month’s theme

All Previous Dispatches Included

When you order, you will also receive all previous dispatches. The project began in March and the last dispatch will be sent in Feburuary 2021. In total, you will receive 12 dispatches.

More About The Project

My idea of a perfect morning is watching dawn’s quiet light dance with darkness, while I sip a cup of coffee or tea and write in my journal. As night makes way for daybreak, arrow shafts of luminous gold, one and then many, shimmer their return to Earth. And for this moment, I am reminded of the possibilities of today.

There is a stirring within me, and I don’t think I’m alone in this, that the present can be different than the past. The pain of our yesterdays doesn’t have to define our present or our future. Isn’t this the very definition of hope?

I’m excited to share with you what I’ve been working on: I’m calling it Words at First Light. The idea is simple. What if, at the beginning of each month, you could be reminded of this radiant hope? The daily challenges and raw heartache of being human are difficult. It’s easy to remain stuck. What I want to share with you are short essays, poems, and paintings that will inspire your intentions and move you farther along the path of healing and wholeness.

Celtic Christianity coined the term “thin places” to describe the experience of overflowing love where heaven and earth, or the natural and spiritual world, collide. My hope is that Words at First Light will be a kind of “thin place” that inspires you to experience the beauty of Christian spirituality. Month after month my goal is to create words that will help you experience the “here-and-now” reality of hope.