blue wonder

blue wonder

I saw a blue jay hopscotching up the sage pine tree. For a moment i thought i heard that jaybird laughing. Playing now bounding aerodynamically. Head leading i see dabbled blue hues across the sky like smudged finger-painting. Her lavender blue crest legs bill eyes black with white raised chest invigorating. Springing now hanging cackling…

your body is a gift

your body is a gift

Your body is a mighty oak reaching for dirt and air— even in midwinter you bear the fruit of wisdom.Red wine flows in your veins, blood that creates births and awakens— your body is a chalice.The shelter for your life absorbs and radiates electromagnetic waves of fierce compassion— your body is a warm antenna.The flesh…

Forest fire

my chest is a forest fire

Anxiety woke me in the dark hours before morning raw wounds buried fears and dormant dreams kindling sparks within me   Anxiety woke me in the dark hours before morning. Why must I carry this branding scar? Grief is love that blisters on the inside, she sighed. Bursting pain is the beginning of healing, he consoled.…