Sink or Swim: Learning the Currents of Love – Part 4 Anchored

The harder I tried to make things happen the worse I felt.  It was like an enormous weight—an anchor—was holding me back.  This anchor seemed to be fastened permanently to my body keeping me from going where I wanted to.  The reality was that I was sinking, I was flat lining fast with no hopes of resuscitation.  I was pushing so hard to be ‘successful’ to reach that ‘imaginary line’ that a distinctive pattern began to emerge in my life.

Sink or Swim: Learning the Currents of Love – Part 3 Prayer

Photo by Rob Martin Have you ever found yourself caught up in something that only after living it did you realize how tough it was going to be? You think to yourself, “What have I gotten myself into?” You are in a precarious position. Will you sink or swim? Video Audio Download (Duration: 23:17…